“You are a human with one life, and it is up to you to make it the best life you can.” Dan Howell, a famous youtuber posted a quote on his channel. As we can see, he was trying to tell us, we have only one life, so make a wise choice. This kind of philosophical question was established since Ancient Greek, the idea become gradually diminish as Greek fall, and roused again when people’s mind become awaken again in modern period. They focused on the individual rights, as well as their opinion. The rain is gone, it leaves and passes a person fast. If you are not on the time, you’re going to miss it. The artwork “tube station” from Henry Moore has lots of interesting ideas hiding inside of it. The theme for this artwork is time is precious, keep it effective. This theme is advocated by three elements of the poems,objective symbolism, and color of the painting.
Objective symbolism is a way that author or painter using a symbol, to represent a meaningful words or ideas. Why do you think the author draw the train? The train is the fastest vehicle we can ride on the land. For us, we can see author tried to show that the time is fast, and he tried to show that if they are not on that time and being slop, they are missing chance and waste time like a person in that train station. He made the comparison the time as the train, where train never wait for the people who didn’t keep their time up. The people on the train are representing those who manage their time well, and not being lazy. Drawing the train station is the best way to illustrate the importance of time management. It reflects the reality by using the symbols.
Why do you think the man who’s in the train station is colored by the dark paint? It is because the painter is trying to reflect the feeling and reality of the man in the picture. The train is gone, there aren’t much thing he can do about it. Dark color usually means the sorrow, helpless and hopeless. Author specifically made the man in the picture black, because he intended to portray the disappointment of the man. From this man, what he was trying to convince was do not waste your time, time is vulnerable, and it will never come back.
The artwork “tube station” is the great artwork. It is the great artwork which makes us realize the importance of the time. Painter Henry Moore tried to show us the speed of the time and importance of the time management with contrasting time with the fast train using the devices objective symbolism and use of color. Additionally, he showed the reality of bad time management with a person whose raising hand. He is lonely and regretting. From this artwork, there are many important things we could learn and the theme “precious time” shows the worth of the time. Symbolism and the color usage are very important, and many painters still use it today. Symbolism can reflect an idea or reveal the theme by using the symbol, and color can tell the general idea made by the creator. Therefore, it is very effective, so it leads to many painters still use the strategy on current day society.